One of the most important matters of the relationship with our patients is the constant discussion about the importance of prophylaxis. Simply: it’s better to prevent than to treat. That is why we are here for the periodic procedures of ultrasonic descaling, Airflow, professional brushing, sealing, application of bacterial plaque detectors and, in general, training for an oral hygiene adapted to the needs of each patient. We practice it at a sustained level with all our patients, because it is that discipline of dentistry that not only deals with the prevention of disease of the teeth and periodontium, but also prevents the occurrence of complications in the case of lesions already installed.
Patients need to understand that only in the dentist’s praxis is it possible to examine and assess the severity of the disease of the dento-maxillary apparatus and, together with the dentist, diagnose, treat or prevent the evolution of dentogingival diseases.
We want every Dental Implant patient to know that a visit at the dental praxis within maximum 6 months (or 3 months, in the case of patients in another periodontal risk group) and a rigorous periodic check-up is the simplest and most effective method of prevention of periodontal diseases. The rigor of this program may relieve him/her in the future of the need for more complicated (and, implicitly, more expensive) treatments.
We work side by side with our patients to build and understand the importance of teamwork in all Dental Implant offices. The patient-physician-nurse team is crucial for maintaining over time the results obtained as a result of medical treatments – any treatment, from the most complex to the simplest. Basically, we consider it very important to understand the idea that permanent work is essential, together with the doctor and the nurse, so that the results obtained together through a lot of work can be maintained over time. All members of this team must pursue the same goal and work together to achieve it. In conclusion, in our country, the end of a treatment is not equivalent to that moment when the patient will never go to the office, but only the beginning of a new stage, in which we will see each other at most 6 months (or at 3-4 months, in patients in a periodontal risk group).